University Records
For University departments, please follow the records retention schedules to identify archival (“AR”) records for transfer.
Transferring Digital Records
- Complete the Digital Records Transfer Request form
- Due to the technical limitations of OneDrive, if any individual files in your requested transfer are larger than 15 GB, an archivist will follow up to arrange a site visit
- Queen's University Archives strongly encourages Departments and individuals to use the highest level of transfer possible to maintain the integrity of the records during transfer, but we also understand that some technical limitations may apply. Select from the following levels for instructions to prepare your transfer:
- Gold Level - Ensures the integrity of records is maintained from the source computer through transfer to the Archives (not currently available)
- Silver Level - Maintains some level of integrity of the records during transfer
- Bronze Level - Simply transfers the records from the source to the Archives, but omits integrity checks
For further instructions on how to transfer digital, you may also refer to the PowerPoint presentation (presented 10 December 2019)
Queen's University Archives is committed to preserving digital records to the highest possible standards. Should you have any questions or encounter any difficulties with your transfer, please email us at
Transferring Paper/Hard Copy Records
- Ensure paper records are in file folders and pack files in proper storage boxes.
- Use cubic-foot banker’s boxes (15” long x 12” wide x 10” deep) with handles and removable lids. Boxes can be ordered through the preferred Office Supplies vendors.
- Records packed in unsuitable boxes will be returned to the sender immediately.
- Complete the Records Transfer to Archives form (DOC 39 KB) and have it signed by the person who is accountable for the records (usually a senior officer, director or head of the department or unit).
- Prepare a File List (XLS 34 KB) listing the contents of each box.
- Send a digital copy of the documentation to both the Archives and the Records Management and Privacy Office
- Contact the Archives prior to sending the records to arrange an appropriate date and time of transfer.
Donations of Personal Archival Material
While some rare collections may be purchased, the majority of our collections are received by donation. Donations of archival material may be eligible for a tax credit. As a Class A repository, Queen's University Archives is able to serve as a home for archival material certified by the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board. For more information on donations and tax credits, please consult an Archivist by phone (613.533.2378) or email (
Photo Donations
Queen's University Archives is pleased to accept donations of photographs relating to the heritage of Kingston and the region. What we are seeking are images that reveal how the area has changed over time, how life in Kingston has changed and special or significant events. Although we are primarily interested in receiving original material, we will also welcome the opportunity to copy images that fill in the gaps in our holdings.
Some areas in which we are particularly interested include:
- Industry (building interiors and exteriors)
- Commercial properties and businesses (building interiors and exteriors)
- Buildings that no longer exist
- Transportation
- Streetscapes (especially side streets and non-main arteries, as well as Montreal St. and Union St. away from Queen's campus)
- Sports teams or games, pre-1950
- Parks, except for City Park
- Western Kingston
If you are interested in digitizing and sending images to the Archives, we only ask that you please try to provide us with an image that is at a minimum 600 dpi resolution, preferably in tagged image file (tiff) format.
Please feel free to contact us at either 613-533-2378 or by email at and an archivist will be more than happy to speak with you.
Transferring Digital Records
- Complete the Digital Records Transfer Request form
- Due to the technical limitations of OneDrive, if any individual files in your requested transfer are larger than 15 GB, an archivist will follow up to arrange a site visit
- Queen's University Archives strongly encourages Departments and individuals to use the highest level of transfer possible to maintain the integrity of the records during transfer, but we also understand that some technical limitations may apply. Select from the following levels for instructions to prepare your transfer:
- Gold Level - Ensures the integrity of records is maintained from the source computer through transfer to the Archives (not currently available)
- Silver Level - Maintains some level of integrity of the records during transfer
- Bronze Level - Simply transfers the records from the source to the Archives, but omits integrity checks
Queen's University Archives is committed to preserving digital records to the highest possible standards. Should you have any questions or encounter any difficulties with your transfer, please email us at
Digital Records Procedures
As of 2025, we are working on instructions for a new service. Please email us at for further details.
Silver Level
Packaging the Records
Zip folder(s) to be transferred using a zip utility (e.g. 7Zip)
Name each .zip file as TransferNumber-Contents, e.g.
If the .zip file is larger than 15 GB, please contact the Archives to arrange an onsite pickup, or try re-zipping in smaller parts
Sending the Records
- From the email you received with the subject line “QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES shared the folder "folder name" with you”, click Open
- If Microsoft prompts to Request Verification Code, click Send Code
- NOTE: Most email services will flag the Verification code email from Microsoft as SPAM, so please check your spam folder for this.
Enter the verification code, and click Verify
- If Microsoft prompts to Request Verification Code, click Send Code
Drag the .zip file(s) into the browser window.
Keep the window open until you receive a notification in the upper-right corner of the browser that the file was uploaded
An archivist will follow up by email to verify that the transfer has been received
Bronze Level
Sending the Records
- From the email you received with the subject line “QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES shared the folder "folder name" with you”, click Open
- If Microsoft prompts to Request Verification Code, click Send Code
- NOTE: Most email services will flag the Verification code email from Microsoft as SPAM, so please check your spam folder for this.
- Enter the verification code, and click Verify
- If Microsoft prompts to Request Verification Code, click Send Code
Drag the folder(s) into the browser window.
Keep the window open until you receive a notification in the upper-right corner of the browser that the file was uploade
An archivist will follow up by email to verify that the transfer has been received